Sunday, September 12, 2010


Words, thoughts, actions ... the small but potent powers we all possess. How will you use your powers today?

Those things which bring us sadness, which lead us into fear and despair, are so many.  Sometimes these things are beyond any human's control. At other times, that which injures us comes from the hands or thought of another. It's so easy to accidentally bring these negative forces with us through the world and spread them. And helplessness is easy, too ... what can one person, one voice, do to counter the negativity?

What we can do is what we can.  Thinking ... if one harmful, careless thought released unthinkingly into the world can do so much harm, wouldn't it make sense that one hopeful, loving thought might do equal good? Let's find out!

We summon our small but potent powers, and release our loving thoughts of hope and joy into the world.